We have complied a list of frequently answered questions which outlines how the system works below.
The process of entering the awards is as follows:
Becoming a sponsor is simple and very rewarding.
We have different sponsorship packages such as:
If you are looking at category sponsorship, firstly, you need to look through the categories and see which one you would like to sponsor and then contact us to see if it is still available.
You can call us on 0843 289 4634 or email alec@greatbritishexpos.com
All the money raised from the awards is donated to charity / non-profit groups. Your sponsorship makes a huge difference and enables us to get back to the neediest in our society.
You can nominate anyone that does business, charity or community work within Great Britain. For example, that nominee may have a business that operates within the area, but they live outside of the country. Or it is maybe an international national charity; however, they have a presence/operation within Great Britain.
For every nominee, you need to be able to demonstrate the impact they have or are making to the region. Any nominees that are not based in the Great Britain or are not associated with the country will be disqualified.